I recently attended the Acquia Engage 2023 Conference in Boston, where Acquia outlined transformative strategies for customer experiences that were exciting and groundbreaking. Between new...

3 min read

Config Sync Overview

When Drupal 8 was released, it came with Configuration Syncing functionality. This has been a staple ever since for Drupal 9, Drupal 10, and beyond. Configuration Syncing was a game changer and one...
1 min read

Ben Bassi Joins the NSBA Leadership Council

Ben Bassi, President of CommonPlaces, Inc. was named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership and Technology Councils. NSBA (https://www.nsba.biz/) is the nation’s oldest...
3 min read

Don't Let Your Website Turn Into a Zombie!

We’ve seen it time and time again, your website, lively and engaging when initially launched is placed on the back burner, ignored and neglected, slowly transforming into a zombie. These ‘Zombie...
3 min read

6 Tricks to a Spookily Successful Website for Your Startup

As Halloween approaches, startups have more than just ghouls and goblins to worry about; there’s also the fear that their investment into their digital ecosystem will generate more tricks than...
4 min read

Website Development Costs: Retainer or Hourly?

It's no secret that your online presence is an important factor in reaching your annual goals, from reaching and engaging with new leads to establishing long-standing customer relationships. So,...
2 min read

6 Common Website Security Vulnerabilities

Even the most experienced CIO and web security expert must stay vigilant and guard against the bad guys. No one is safe without knowing what to look out for. Here are six of the most common security...