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Announcing the Launch of Drupal 7

Announcing the Launch of Drupal 7

The long-awaited launch of Drupal 7 was finally announced early this morning. Everyone in the Drupal world is excited about what promises to be the most user-friendly, and most capable, version of Drupal yet. With three full years since the launch of Drupal 6 to improve the CMS, creator Dries Buytaert is confident that D7 will drive the increased adoption of Drupal. This morning he tweeted that while Drupal currently powers 1% of the world's websites, he expects that figure to start growing.

From the official press release: "Angie Byron (aka Webchick), Drupal 7 core maintainer, affirms, 'Drupal 7 sports an improved new user interface, accessibility improvements, better image handling capabilities, support for rich content metadata, security features, scalability and database interoperability enhancements, a suite of 30,000 automated tests to ensure stability, and more. In short: it's a tremendous leap forward for the project and for website builders everywhere, we are thrilled to formally release Drupal 7 to the world.'"

Drupal 7 Screenshot

To see more, including a video tour, visit Drupal.org/7

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