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The New Normal Reopening Your Business, Customer Portals

The New Normal Reopening Your Business, Customer Portals

As the COVID-19  pandemic winds down we, like many of you, are planning to reopen our business under the New Normal. After months of working at home, face-to-face meetings will be significantly cut back. New procedures and infrastructure are required to adapt to the new way of doing business.  

Customer Experience Portals are accelerating the digital transformation for employees, partners and customers. These solutions need a customer integration platform to bring together online solutions and tailor operations to your unique business under the New Normal.

Business owners have seen that COVID-19 is accelerating a digital transformation online.

digital transformations

Even as businesses open there is a movement of employees working from home (perhaps permanently), partners interacting remotely and customers requiring more online support. With face-to face interactions still limited companies need to shift to this new paradigm, especially B2B companies. 

Everything Must Be Online.

Most companies already have a number of online systems. With an online Customer Experience Portal the technology provides a seamless online entry for customers, employees and partners.  

How to Get There

Different audiences will have different needs and preferred methods of engagement. Below is a list of recommendations for desired functionality of each group in your portal. 

For Customers: 

  • A secure area where customers can access a product knowledge base, marketing material and documents related to their account
  • View ticket status of support requests submitted
  • View software updates and downloads
  • Watch training videos
  • Read training manuals
  • Participate in loyalty programs
  • View and plan for event with a calendar
  • Participate in forums to share experiences with other customers

For Partners:  

  • Provide a group-based area to share sales materials, training videos, order status, delivery schedules, sales reports and event calendars.

For Employees:  

  • Provide an online area for Ideas and Innovations for connecting and conversation. 
  • Onboarding with a wiki or Knowledge Base related to new hire and HR documents that are permission based. 

At CommonPlaces, we can partner with you to plan and develop a Customer Experience Portal that helps facilitate your company’s Digital Transformation to connect with your audience.



We look forward to working with you and finding the New Normal together as partners. We will help you to capture the new demand for your products and services. Schedule a call with our Sales Team today.

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