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Drupal Searches Spread

Drupal Searches Spread

Today I was looking at the keyword statistics from Google to see what people were searching for yesterday to get to CommonPlaces.com and I noticed a few Drupal searches that struck me as quite interesting. The first search was for 'Drupal Credit Card', and when I did a search on Google for this keyword, I noticed that we came up 4th in the results page with our Partners page. I looked through the other listings on the page to try to see why someone would be searching for this, thinking maybe Drupal had spread so much that banks were now offering a Drupal themed credit card. I mentioned this to some of the programmers here and Seth showed me this link where a Drupal developer had taken the Drupal image and put it on his bank card. As huge Drupal fans, we all thought that was pretty cool. Being the stats freak that I am, this got me to wondering how many other Drupal searches we're showing up for. I was pretty surprised to find that there were ten longtail (longer keywords containing multiple strings of words) searches done with 'Drupal' in them this month alone. I dug a little deeper and found out that there were 17 different keywords searches done on Google containing 'Drupal' which had brought visitors to our website since the time we started publicizing our use of this software. I'm sure that this trend will continue to increase as more people talk about how great Drupal is, continue to develop more Drupal websites, and as Drupal becomes more and more well renowned as one of the best CMS (Content Management System) platforms. G4TBSKE3A3KB

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