1 min read

Is Your Website an Ugly Baby?

Is Your Website an Ugly Baby?


Your bad website could be silently killing your business.

I am always amazed to hear when business owners, or senior management executives say “I am completely happy and satisfied with my website”, despite the fact that it is old, not mobile-friendly and not generating leads.  When our analyst scans the site for performance, the reports always confirm my suspicions: the website is slow, unusable, and impossible to navigate, while doing nothing to provide the business as their primary marketing tool.  

One reason for these bad websites is that almost every company I talk to has had a bad experience with a web developer.  In fact at CommonPlaces the majority of our business comes from customers that are in critical condition because they hired unprofessional cheap freelancers or offshore hacks.  Trust me when I say that we seen some complete disasters. 

Businesses and organizations spend a ton of money, end up with an "ugly baby" and come to us in a panic.

As a business owner and web developer I feel that the hardest fact to hear is that only 21% of businesses or employees will actually complain about their website. That implies that 79% of the online population secretly dislike their companies website.  Meaning that vendors are unaware of just how unhappy their customers or should I say their past customers are. 

This is exactly why proper analysis of a site should be taken.  Not just from a marketing standpoint of design, and whether or not the color scheme looks appealing, but more importantly the function of the website. 


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