Pictures from Szeged

Pictures from Szeged

We're back from Drupalcon Szeged! We learned a lot, met a lot of great people, and had a lot of fun! While there, CommonPlaces gave away three 8GB iPod Nanos and one 80GB iPod Classic at our informational sessions. Here are the winners:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cross-Site Request Forgery: The Sleeping Giant of Website Vulnerabilities

Our winner was Nicholas Thompson from Electric Word PLC
Nicholas Thompson from Electric Word PLC

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Hack-Proof Your Drupal App - Key Habits of Secure Drupal Coding

Our winner was Tom Yuval
Tom Yuval

Friday, August 29, 2008
Web Application Canonicalization, Encoding and Transcoding Attacks

Our winner was Simon Hobbs from EM Space
Simon Hobbs from EM Space

...And the winner of the 80GB iPod, announced during the Closing Session, was Michael Chik from Amnesty International.
Michael Chik from Amnesty International.

Congratulations to all of our winners!

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