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Reduce the Cost of Each New Website With Drupal Multi-Site

Reduce the Cost of Each New Website With Drupal Multi-Site

On November 5th, CommonPlaces will be presenting a webinar on Drupal multi-site technology titled, "Reduce the Cost of Each New Website With Drupal Multi-Site." The webinar is being hosted by Acquia, and will be presented by our CEO Ben Bassi and Internet Engineer Chris Pliakas, along with Bryan House, Senior Director of Marketing at Acquia. Here's an excerpt from the webinar abstract:

"Drupal's elegant multi-site capabilities give businesses a repeatable framework on which to run many websites from a single installation of Drupal - enabling centralized system management while reducing the incremental cost of additional websites to almost zero. The benefits of multi-site include streamlined maintenance, lower operational costs, and the ability to target market segments in a more controlled way.

To successfully implement a multi-site installation, a business must also be aware of caveats and changes that may be required to their deployment model. This Webinar featuring experts from CommonPlaces aims to be a primer of the benefits, and subsequent boundaries, of such a system."

Register now for this free Webinar. If you can't wait to learn more about Drupal multi-site, feel free to contact us. And if you'd like to see more webinars like this one from us in the future, let us know!

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