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Tips to Get More Facebook Likes

Tips to Get More Facebook Likes

Facebook Like ButtonSocial media has become an essential tool for businesses, and having a strong presence on Facebook is a great way to increase your brand visibility and audience. Developing a strong brand image and social media strategy is crucial to your online success, but there are also many small tasks that can make a big difference in building a presence and gathering Facebook Likes.

Steps on How to Get More Facebook Likes

1. Create Your Vanity URL

When you create a Facebook Business Page, Facebook will provide you with a default URL. Once you have at least 25 Likes you can create a custom URL. This is a great way to brand your page and make it easier to find and promote. The process to set a vanity URL is easy, just go to facebook.com/username.

2. Add a 'Like Box' to your Website

With a 'Like Box' installed on your website visitors have the ability to like your page directly from your site. It also displays the number of users who already like your page. A quick and easy way to get more Likes.

3. Make sure your website has 'Like buttons'

Install 'Like buttons' throughout your website. If visitors enjoy a blog or another feature on your website and click the 'Like button' a notification will appear on the visitor's Facebook page with a link back to your website. This will attract more visitors to both your website and your Facebook page.

4. Update your cover photoUpdate your cover photo often.

Updating your cover photo at least once a month gives your page a fresh look and grabs attention in news feeds. Think carefully about what images you choose to represent your company though. Using photos of your location, product or portfolio images, or even a lively office atmosphere are all great options. Changing your cover photo for holiday themes is also a great option.

5. Add your Facebook link to your email signature

Every email you send is an opportunity to gain a new Facebook Like. After your email signature, display a link to your Facebook page.

6. Cross-promote your social media pages

Cross-promote your social media pages by including all of your links on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google +, and any other network you use.

7. Provide quality content

People talk and share things that they like or find helpful and interesting, so make sure your content both engages and allows for interaction with your target audience. Visitor interaction increases your company's visibility. Examples of interactive content include: entertaining and informative articles, unique quotes, questions, polls, photos, videos, and infographics.

8. Interact

Keep the Golden Rule in mind; 'Do unto others as you would have other do unto you'. Participating on other Facebook pages where your potential audience is participating is a great way to interact and increase your audience. Also tagging users and photos increases your visibility. Don't forget to respond to comments and wall posts, it helps build relationship and enhances your online reputation

9. Track your growth

Facebook Insights is a valuable tool that provides free data relating to how many fans you have accumulated and what brought them in. This data will help you analyze which activities are the most successful on your page and what should be improved.

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