"There's just not enough hours in the day."

3 min read

Moving Beyond Twitter and Facebook

Before you start asking what I have against these two mega-sites, rest assured, the answer is nothing. Both are valuable marketing tools, as countless companies have discovered. But if you read...
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Seven Reasons Why Flash Might Be On The Decline

Let me begin by saying that Adobe Flash is very far from falling out of use. Conservative estimates say 95% of Web users have Adobe Flash Player installed. The number of websites that employ Flash is...
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Local SEO: Where to Get Citations Without Spending Money

Life has trained us to believe that anything worth getting must cost money. But in the world of citations and local search, this just isn't true. You really CAN get something for nothing. If you...
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New Year's SEO Review

As you get settled back into your normal routine after the holidays, it may be time to review your site's search engine optimization health. It's always a good idea to review these basic aspects of...
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Online Marketing in the Next Decade

Happy New Year, everyone! What better time is there than New Years to set resolutions and make predictions about what's to come? For a blog post this week, I thought I would make some predictions...
1 min read

Google: "Personalized Search for Everyone!"

Yes, Google announced today that every user, signed in or not, will be receiving personalized results based on their search history. Users still have the right to opt-out of this service, but...