Beginning in 2009, members of the Drupal community seized on the notion of promoting Drupal design and theming. The leaders of this movement created a group called Design 4 Drupal, or D4D. Fast...

3 min read

5 Tips to Write the Best About Us Page

Many companies make the mistake of thinking that writing the About Us page will be the easiest part of creating their website content. But, unless you are a professional content writer, it may be...
2 min read

GDPR - What You Need to Know for Your US Website

By now, you’ve probably seen the acronym GDPR show up in your inbox, in addition to popping up on websites left and right. Seemingly out of nowhere, the term has begun cluttering our screens, begging...
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What are Retargeting Ads?

For most websites, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. Retargeting is a tool designed to help companies reach the 98% of users who don’t convert right away. (Source:
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Can Live Chat on a Website Help Increase Conversion Rate?

Today’s Internet searchers expect instantaneous service. If a business isn't prepared to respond to searcher's needs immediately, they’re likely to find a business that is. And most of the time, it’s...
2 min read

Why You Need a Lead Nurturing Strategy

As a business owner, consistent lead generation will always be one of your top priorities. Continuing to generate interest in and demand for the products/services you sell is part of the ongoing...
3 min read

Should You Encourage Your Employees to Use LinkedIn?

While you may be uneasy about the thought of your employees using LinkedIn, many companies have actually begun to recognize and leverage the potential of this professional social network. If you...