Ever since the European Court of Justice ruled that search engines which service the EU must remove links that are deemed ''inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant, or excessive in relation to...

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CommonPlaces, Inc. Receives Web Development Honor

The Web Marketing Association has honored CommonPlaces, Inc. with the 2014 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Web Development. CommonPlaces won in the Category of Best Medical Equipment Website for...
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The Growth and Future of Front-end Development

There was a time, not too long ago, when the front-end designer was considered a commodity. There wasn't a lot of complexity to the job; it was more like drafting on a piece of paper. There simply...
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CommonPlaces Honored with Top Web Design Agency for September

CommonPlaces was selected by The Best Design Agencies as one of the best open source web developers in the U.S., currently ranking 3rd in Best Drupal Development, and Best Drupal Developer in the...
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5 More Essential Multimedia Tools for Marketers

A few weeks back I offered a quick survey of some of the multimedia tools that I use in my capacity as the content editor and multimedia specialist here at CommonPlaces. Now, let's take a look at a...
3 min read

How to Communicate with Your Client

I've learned to be careful when I ask a question to my developers. For instance, if I ask someone if a widget has been added to a site and the response is, 'Yes, it's all done,' I shouldn't assume...
2 min read

A Few Things You Can Learn From Your Competition

Sometimes it pays to check out the competition. We like to peek at what other businesses are doing, locally and nationally, mostly just to see what's trending. It can be inspiring, motivational, and...