For a very long time, CommonPlaces has been nationally recognized as one of the best Drupal design agencies in the country. We are very proud of this distinction, and we fully recognize that Drupal...

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CommonPlaces Hires Director of Development

CommonPlaces, Inc. is extremely pleased to announce that Chris Johnson has joined the company as Director of Development. Mr. Johnson's extraordinary background as a developer using different...
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Does Privacy Exist?

Let's get one thing clearly stated from the beginning: Any website or marketing service which illegally obtains information about any individual or group of individuals should be prosecuted to the...
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5 Common URL Redirect Mistakes and Several Easy Solutions

You've just made a major redesign of your website, maybe even switching CMS platforms, and your URLs are going to be entirely different from their past iteration. Or, perhaps you have an ecommerce...
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The #1 Way Manufacturers Can Gain a Competitive Advantage

If you are a U.S. manufacturing company, you have very specific needs when designing, or upgrading, your website. Most critical is the choice you make on a content management system, or CMS. A CMS...
2 min read

What is an Enterprise Resource Planning System?

The loose, broad categorization that Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERPs) fall under can make it very difficult to actually define what they are '- much less how to select the best one for...
3 min read

Will Internet Fast Lanes be the End of Net Neutrality?

We've been chronicling the issue of net neutrality for several months, and recognize the significance of, and the interest in, this subject. We welcome today's guest blogger Daniel Brenton, offering...