The decision to switch to a new website hosting company often comes with many benefits, and so we would assume that it would also positively impact our site’s SEO – our visibility across search...

3 min read

What to Look For in the WCAG 2.2: June 2022 Release

Updates to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Scheduled to be finalized in September of 2022, WCAG 2.2 covers the latest updates from the Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web...
4 min read

The Crumble of The Third-Party Cookie: Google's Upcoming Cookie Ban

If you’re anything like us, and keep up on online marketing news, you may have caught the buzz of Google’s plan to ban third party cookies. While this may seem like quite a setback for your marketing...
2 min read

Intranet vs. Customer Portal – What is the Difference?

Sometimes the terms “Web Portal” or “Customer Portal” and “Company Intranet” can get lost in translation when working on a web development project for your business. We are here to guide you, and...
4 min read

What's the Difference Between Website Hosting & Website Maintenance?

Website hosting services provide a “home” for your site to live so that visitors can come to see it – comparable to a chunk of land with a house and a street address.
2 min read

Should My Business Create a Customer Portal Website?

What do non-profit and community-based organizations, local businesses, and e-commerce businesses all have in common? They can all benefit from creating a branded membership website. While non-profit...
4 min read

Is Your Website Ready for the New Year?

The new year brings a wealth of simplicity to the web with new trends appearing in the spotlight for online branding and functionality. As a society, we have begun to adapt daily life to the tried...