A business website has become the primary point of contact for customers today, especially for businesses with a Customer Experience Portal. It’s your main sales force, your storefront, and even your...

3 min read

Five Reasons to Seek a Fresh Perspective on Your Business Strategy

As the year comes to a close, it is time to reflect on the past three quarters and create a strategic plan for the upcoming year. The plan should include evaluating what worked, what didn’t work,...
4 min read

Evolutionary Site Redesign: The Alternative to Total Website Redesign

The Evolutionary Site Redesign Approach: A Safe and Effective Alternative to a Complete Website Redesign What is Evolutionary Site Redesign? Evolutionary website redesign (ESR) is a type of agile...
2 min read

A Case for Drupal Community Support in the Open Source World

Community isn’t a word many think about when they consider software. But many software solutions like Drupal, WordPress, and Laravel have their own communities of a wide range of people. From those...
6 min read

My Favorite Web Projects Through Twenty Years of Drupal

My Favorite Web Projects During Drupal’s 20 Years Of Community Driven Innovation Drupal, the world’s leading open source digital experience platform (DXP), celebrated 20 years of community-driven...
3 min read

CommonPlaces Approach to Web Development – It All Just Works

Getting your site from concept to the public is technically the “easy part”. Ensuring that it continues to function as intended is what I’m going to talk about today, and give you a little bit of...
3 min read

Creating Amazing Customer Experiences with CX Portals

A Customer Experience Portal is not just a place for an account login, but a place to provide a holistic experience for all who enter. One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is that to be truly...