Are you looking to change things up a little bit? Whether your business is taking off, or going through a rough patch, everyone needs a little change now and then. With regards to the Web especially,...

2 min read

Turn Your Customers Into Social Media Marketers

"There's just not enough hours in the day."
3 min read

Eight Tips for Giving Your Website a Spring Cleaning

The weather is unseasonably warm here at CommonPlaces HQ, and Spring is on everyone's mind. With the season of renewal beginning in just two days, you may be planning a little Spring Cleaning at home...
3 min read

How to Choose an Email Marketing Solution

If anyone tells you that email marketing is dead, don't believe them. Email marketing is still alive and well, and continues to deliver repeatable and trackable results, even in 2010. In a recent...
3 min read

Moving Beyond Twitter and Facebook

Before you start asking what I have against these two mega-sites, rest assured, the answer is nothing. Both are valuable marketing tools, as countless companies have discovered. But if you read...
2 min read

Online Marketing in the Next Decade

Happy New Year, everyone! What better time is there than New Years to set resolutions and make predictions about what's to come? For a blog post this week, I thought I would make some predictions...
2 min read

Six Ways to Build Word of Mouth Online

Building online word of mouth isn't easy; don't let anyone convince you that it is. Word of mouth, online or offline, takes time and effort. But when you succeed, you'll be rewarded with the best and...