Added April 15, 2009 - Well, apparently Digg had enough of everyone's complaining, so they turned off the DiggBar (sort of). If you are an unregistered user, the DiggBar will not appear, and links...

2 min read

CommonPlaces' Top Picks for Must Have Firefox Add-Ons

One of the things that makes Firefox appealing to so many Web users is the fact that it is extensible through the addition of custom add-ons. If you're a relative newcomer to the Firefox add-on...
1 min read

Six Blogs Every Internet Marketer Should Follow

Internet Marketing is a fast-paced and rapidly changing field. If you're interested in strengthening your online marketing muscles, here are six blogs you should follow (seven if you count this one!).
1 min read

Cuil vs. Google - Hype vs. Results?

In July 2008 we were bombarded with endless hype about how this huge, more technologically advanced, Google killing search engine was being released and how it was going to give Google a run for its...
2 min read

Five e-Resolutions for Your Business in 2009

Happy New Year everyone! While we're all setting personal resolutions for the New Year, here are a few suggestions for e-Resolutions you can (and should) adopt for your business to make 2009 a year...
2 min read

What will 2009 hold for Internet Businesses?

Despite a downright scary economy, and the idea of 2008-2009 harboring the worst financial crisis of our time; there are still plenty of reassuring signs that show that 2009 will be a healthy year...
1 min read

Ben Bassi Presents at SIPA's Mid-Year Marketing Conference

CommonPlaces' Ben Bassi and VP of Marketing Sherrin Bull presented at the Specialized Information Publishers Association's conference on the subject of Social Media technologies.