In the world of web development and marketing, hundreds of tools are at our fingertips to make life easier. As a marketer, you probably already have your plate full managing SEO, social media, email...

3 min read

Google Search Console: How It Can Benefit Your Marketing Strategy

Google Search Console (or GSC for folks who love abbreviations as much as the next guy) is a handy analytics tool that Google offers for free to anyone who owns or manages a website. GSC can help you...
4 min read

Avoid picture ping-pong with your designer – Resizing images for web.

Resizing images for your website to balance the fastest possible page load speeds with clean aesthetics is something that is often overlooked by website owners. If you have ever worked with a web...
3 min read

SEO vs User Experience: What Does Google Care About?

Over the years of research and development for clients, we at CommonPlaces have seen the evolution of SEO from pure keyword stuffing into the holistic online user experience we know today. Let’s dive...
4 min read

How to Stand Out with Customer Experiences that Shine

Customer experience directly impacts loyalty, and customer loyalty can rise and fall quite quickly with each stage in the customer journey. Lately, many brands have been catching onto the customer...
2 min read

Why is My Website Traffic Down?

You spent the time to plan and design your website. You monitor interactions, pay for ads, prioritize customer experience, but your website traffic is still down. Nothing is more frustrating! You may...
5 min read

What is Page Experience? Google’s Latest Algorithm Update

How to put Google’s latest algorithm update to work for your site Google is at it again with its algorithm updates. The Page Experience Update is the newest on the list, and while a Google update is...