Executives always need to reexamine their website with a view to understanding what their return on investment (ROI) has been, and what it can be for both the near future, and long term. They need to...

2 min read

What is Your ROI?

CommonPlaces CEO and President Ben Bassi discusses the importance of determining the ROI on your website, and lowering your bounce rate.
2 min read

Giving Thanks, 2013

EMILY: "Does anyone ever realize life while they live it...every, every minute?"
3 min read

What a More Mobile Web Means for Digital Marketers

Google recently announced that mobile devices now make up 40% of YouTube's traffic. That's a 15% increase in mobile traffic from 2012 '- and a 34% increase from 2011, when mobile devices made up just...
1 min read

How to Create Business Friendly Memes

For anyone who spends any time on the interwebs, memes have become a way of life. From Grumpy Cat, to George RR Martin's Game of Thrones, to The Walking Dead, and so many more, there is an image out...
2 min read

Writing an Effective Press Release

Anyone in business with something to promote, or with a need to draw attention to a cause, sooner or later will probably be called upon to write a press release. I've been writing them for longer...