Before you start asking what I have against these two mega-sites, rest assured, the answer is nothing. Both are valuable marketing tools, as countless companies have discovered. But if you read...

2 min read

Local SEO: Where to Get Citations Without Spending Money

Life has trained us to believe that anything worth getting must cost money. But in the world of citations and local search, this just isn't true. You really CAN get something for nothing. If you...

CommonPlaces CEO Attends Inc. 500 Awards Ceremony

CommonPlaces CEO Ben Bassi recently returned from the 2009 Inc. 500 Awards Ceremony, where he met and networked with founders and presidents of other fast-growing companies. CommonPlaces appeared at...
2 min read

4 Steps to Mastering Social Media for Small Businesses

As I mentioned in my last post from Friday, the most common concern that I encountered during the Social Networking for Business workshop we led last month, was the lack of free time small business...
2 min read

The Future of Search and Search Engine Optimization

TechCrunch's Michael Arrington recently published a target="...
3 min read

The Deaf Ear of Inexperience

There are few things that web professionals can agree on unanimously. The nature of this business relies heavily on "best practices" that can often be of a subjective point of view. That being said,...
1 min read

The Future of the Web (Web 3.0?)

A couple weeks ago I spoke at the Big Tweet, a Twitter networking event CommonPlaces co-organized with the Creative Economy Association. The event was held on the ocean at the beautiful new Center...