1 min read

Turn and Face the Change, Ch-ch-changes at CommonPlaces

Turn and Face the Change, Ch-ch-changes at CommonPlaces

There have been a couple big changes at CommonPlaces.

There have been a few changes at CommonPlaces. As you have probably already noticed, CommonPlaces.com is brand new, plus there are a couple new additions to the team.

James M. Carney has been added to the CommonPlaces team. Jim is our new Marketing Program Manager. Jim has quite a commute to get to CommonPlaces from Salem, NH, a whopping four miles from his house. He brings an extensive background with many big name brands. He has even helped throw school bus sized beach balls off of buildings in Dallas and cracked open the world's largest pií±ata in Philly, but that was just for fun. Jim says he looks forward to spending much of his time finding out how speak language of the website engineers, which is a combination of sarcasm, English, Nerd-Speak, and website coding.

We have been busy at work revamping the new site that crosses visual design with functionality. 'We wanted a beautiful and remarkable website. One that wouldn't look simple with a Drupal theme,' Lemu Santos, web development engineer at CommonPlaces, 'we wanted to make sure we flexed all our muscle on this one. We have been known as a Drupal shop, but we have many different tools that can deliver some pretty amazing things, so we are excited to expand into those areas.'

Feel free to poke around and give the new site a test spin. If you have any questions let us know, we will take a break from throwing things at each other to answer it. There is certainly a lot brewing around here at CommonPlaces. Watch out for some new and excitingly innovative sites to be added to our portfolio. Also, if you ever happen to stop by the office, bring goggles. The engineers are deadly accurate with a Nerf dart.

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