2 min read

Why Propeller Is No Digg!

Why Propeller Is No Digg!

Propeller is a article publishing/sharing service that also acts as a social network. Although this is a social network, it's missing a few key features for bringing people together in an environment where they want to share and contribute. Here are just a few major things that Propeller is missing:
1. You Can Only Share to 5 People!!! - The main reason Propeller is an inferior product is how hard they make it to share a story. If you want to share a story on Propeller you can only send it to 5 friends at a time, making it very time consuming to let your friends know about a story you like. This task can take 20 minutes, and you'll probably end up sending out duplicate messages to some people because you can't even tell who the last person you sent the message out to was. You have to remember every time you send out your five messages, who the last one was, or who the next person to get a message should be. Forget about sending out any more share messages if you get interrupted, you'll never remember where you were. I also find it harder then it needs to be to actually click the checkbox next to your friends' names. Half the time I only send out 4 of the 5 messages due to this. This is highly aggravating and very user UN-friendly. 2. No Search Feature'- The search feature on Propeller is... oh wait, there is no search feature! It's really tough to find a friend's story that you voted on a while ago, find stories on a particular subject etc. because of the lack of a search feature. This is really a shame because the functionality is there, as you can see it when you are submitting something new Propeller will show you related stories on the side bar, and these stories are VERY related, proving that they have the functionality there, and it's actually very advanced. 3. Worst Categories EVER '- Okay, well maybe they're not the worst categories ever, but they're missing a lot of key categories like Environment, Business, INTERNET to name a few. 4. Limited Profiles '- On Digg you're allowed to put, post directly to your blog, add a bunch of pictures, add a bio & Links (Blog, Social Networks, IM), it shows the most Dugg topics in the last 30 days. Digg also gives you stats on how many stories you've Dugg, commented on, submitted made popular, invited friends and even how many profile views you've gotten. These are all important things to bloggers, SEO'ers and internet users alike. 5. Who Shared My Story? '- On digg shouts are seen if they're set to be publically viewed, but on Propeller there's no way of telling which one of your friends shared your story. Not only that, but there are no stats or way of knowing who has shared, you can't even see if you've shared or not. 6. I want to chose my own image!- I kind of like that if you get a story popular enough (or some other unknown reason), Propeller will automatically put a little image next to your story. The downside of this is that we want the option to put an image in for EVERY story. It would be much better if you got a bigger image, icon, badge, or some other visual representation when you have submitted a good story. Although Propeller is a good place to get news, it will fail if it doesn't fix all of these problems ASAP. Digg is too big, and with other, smaller social networks getting their share of the market, Propeller will not be able to keep its mega owners (AOL) happy with the current results. I have a feeling they'll get the picture soon enough and either hire consultants like myself, or someone there will smarten up and develop these basic features.

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