WordPress has evolved over the years into a user-friendly blogging and content management system (CMS). Since it allows developers to easily install over 60,000 plug-ins and widgets to enhance the functionality of the site, it is extremely flexible and easy to use. With WordPress, users are able to easily upload media files and publish content in real time. Because of its friendly interface and ease of publishing, WordPress is being used by more than 455 million websites worldwide.


WordPress is an excellent choice for those who wish to self-publish their content. It is widely recognized as one of the most user-friendly ‘builder’ platforms and integrated well with millions of plugins to offer exactly what your site needs, many times at a very small or no cost at all for the themes or plugins themselves. In fact, WordPress integrates so well with popular hosts that features and plugins are included ‘out of the box,’ including SEO, blog platform and editor, contact forms, and even commerce. Each theme offers its own base functionality, while add-ons like drag-and-drop editors, such as Divi, can help site admins customize and tailor your site with endless flexibility. And the best part is, there is rarely a need to write your own code!

At CommonPlaces we use WordPress to create personalized websites for each client. With the plethora of themes to choose from, we provide the client with a custom experience while still providing intuitive backends that allow room for seamless edits and updates by administrators.

 Although WordPress is known for being used to build sites where news and blog type content are the most prevalent, CommonPlaces takes things to the next level. With WordPress, we provide full functionality and can even integrate a wide range of content and CRM tools, such as Salesforce, to your website. If you are into posting your own content, we even provide customer education sessions to show you the ropes. When you work with CommonPlaces on your WordPress website project, you will have the capability and support to ensure your website remains easy to use, optimized for mobile, and kept up-to-date as technology advances.  

When it comes to WordPress, security can often be a concern.  Which is why CommonPlaces recommends building using a Bedrock install.  Bedrock is a security template that provides a more organized structure to WordPress and it allows files to be configured even easier. We use Bedrock to make sure that the custom solutions that we create for our client, remain that way. Our clients are our number one priority. We do not want any hackers or intruders going in and messing up the work that we make for our clients. 

We believe in empowering our customers to manage and maintain their own website and content.  Which is why we build our WordPress sites using the Divi Page Builder.  Divi is a theme builder interface that has drag and drop functionality, making it fairly easy to update and edit. At Common Places we use Divi Page Builder to deliver a custom website theme to the tastes and expectations of our clients. If you can dream it, we can make it happen. 

Benefits of Using WordPress

  • WordPress is a favorite among site admins who wish to self-publish content to their website because of the user-friendliness of its CMS.
  • Ability to utilize user-friendly visual editing on builder pages
  • Fully functional, multi-blogger, blogging functionality
  • Ability to assign user permission levels
  • One of the easiest and most user-friendly content management systems available
  • Allows users to easily specify functionality via plug-ins
  • Offers a plethora of built-in applications (e.g. blog, link management, dashboard, search engine, content syndication user contributions, etc.)

CommonPlace's WordPress Experience

  • WordPress site development 
  • User experience development
  • Site to CRM contact form integrations
  • User experience portals
  • Role-based user assignments
  • Blog writing and publishing, to include ghostwriting
  • Site design and media optimization
  • SEO services
  • Site refresh and improvements
  • Payment processing integration
  • Database management
  • Media management