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Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018

Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018

This is the last blog post of 2018. Over the past 12 months we have written about digital marketing trends, SEO, website vulnerabilities and tips for increasing website security. What are the most popular posts of 2018? Here is the countdown with the CommonPlaces blog posts that people connected with the most. See you next year.

10) 8 Simple Ways to Improve Website Security - Website security is very important to keep the bad guys away from your biggest marketing tool - your website. Here are few tips to improve security.

9) Top 10 Tips for Building a User Friendly Website - Tips for creating a well made website that visitors love and return to.

8) How to Measure Website Performance Using KPIs - This blog post explains why you need KPIs and the top metrics to monitor.

7) What is Staging - An excellent explanation of a website's production environment.

6) Show me the Cache - Another fun take on Cache or Cash, if you love geek-speak. This post helps website visitor understand why new content may not be seen immediately on a website.

5) Writing Alt Tags for Images - An excellent explanation about how to write alt tags for images in order to optimize them for organic search.

4) What is a Digital Agency - It's complicated. Read on .....

3) What is a Verified Social Media Account - The lowdown on a verified social media account and how to get one. Note - it's really hard. You pretty much need to be a celebrity.

2) Should Employers Restrict Personal Devices at Work - Many companies take a balanced approach to limiting phone use instead of banning it. Here are ways to manage personal devices at work without destroying morale.

The number 1 blog post for 2018:

6 Common Website Vulnerabilities - a list of the most common security vulnerabilities you must protect yourself against.

Thanks for reading and we will see you in the new year.

If you are looking for a digital agency that can help you with website vulnerabilities, increase SEO for organic search and create the best customer experience for your most valuable business asset - your customers give us a call or email me.
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