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Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019

Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019

This has been an exciting year for all of us at CommonPlaces. 2019 has brought growth and change to our team, and we have enjoyed reflecting on all that we have learned and accomplished. This year, our blog has continued to grow, and we look forward to future posts in 2020.

Here are our top blog posts from 2019:

10) How to Create SEO Friendly URLs
Does your site need improved SEO? Learn how you can create URLs that will help your site rank higher.

9) How to Measure Website Performance Using KPIs
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow you to determine which areas of your site are doing well and which areas may need some improvement.

8) 8 Simple Ways to Improve Your Website Security
Read this blog post to learn eight essential things that you can do to safeguard your website right now.

7) Show Me the Cache! Server Cache vs Browser Cache
This blog post explains the definition of cache, the different types, and how you can ensure that you’re seeing the freshest content a web page has to offer.

6) Web Development: What is Staging?
Colby, the Director of Development at CommonPlaces, explains the staging process of web development.

5) 5 Tips on Choosing the Right Keywords
Keywords play a vital role in SEO. Read this blog post to see how you can choose the right ones.

4) Writing ALT Tags for Images
Learn about the importance of ALT Tags and how to write them effectively.

3) What is Magento?
This blog post discusses the basics, benefits, and negative aspects of the ecommerce platform Magento.

2) WordPress vs Drupal? Which is better?
Curious about the differences between a WordPress and Drupal site? Read this blog post to see the differences in cost, security, customizability, and more.

The Number 1 Blog Post for 2019:
1) 6 Common Website Security Vulnerabilities
This popular blog post written by our CEO Ben Bassi explains six common website security vulnerabilities and how organizations can protect themselves.

We hope you enjoy reading these blog posts. Thank you for a great year, and we are eager to see what the new decade will hold. Happy holidays!

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