I think many of us have a firm grasp of the strengths (and weaknesses) of social media. You recognize how you can use it to drive your goods or services, and what can happen when things go right (or...

2 min read

The Perils of Changing a URL

There are a lot of good reasons for tweaking a URL in order to make it more recognizable, and easier to share. URLs can be so long and convoluted, essentially comprised of nothing but code, and who...
2 min read

Make the Switch to Universal Analytics

Google Analytics is one of those services that we frequently set and forget on our websites. That is, if we're receiving the tracking data, then we don't worry too much about how it is configured....
2 min read

How Content Marketers Should Begin Each Day

My workday begins at 8:30 am. I plunk my tea on my desk, start up the laptop, curse Java for insisting on an ever so vital update, and open my email. I probably have skimmed the highlights already,...
2 min read

Is Google Too Powerful?

Let's try a little experiment. Take the title of this blog, and Google it. You will find many, many articles and blog posts with this exact title. Without delving too far back on Google pages, I...
2 min read

The Secrets to Sharing Social Media

Sometimes the most obviously helpful tips are often overlooked, or under-utlized. That is probably the case with one of the most basic elements of modern marketing; the social media icons. They are...