Because you are reading this blog, which often addresses social media issues, there is a strong likelihood that you use Twitter. For many, this 140 characters or bust site is a lifeline to the...

2 min read

What is Link Building? Part 2

After reading What is Link Building? Part 1 you've probably been asking yourself, 'How do I increase my inbound links?' or 'Where would inbound links be valuable?' Well, Part 2 is here to answer...
2 min read

What is Link Building? Part 1

Everyone wants to attract more visitors to their website. That, after all, is the first goal of inbound marketing. One of the most effective strategies in accomplishing this goal is by establishing...
2 min read

Top Drupal Modules You MUST Have to be SEO Friendly

In the world of open source CMS there may be no larger community contributing to its success than Drupal. Powerfully organized, and actively engaged, the Drupal community enhances the functionality...
1 min read

Understanding Content Marketing Strategy

Traditional marketing and advertising methods are going the way of the rotary phone. They were heavy and slow, and basically never evolved. After decades of being the only way people communicated,...
2 min read

Responsive Web Design: What It Is and Why We Use It

One of the most important components to the CommonPlaces website is the use of responsive design. In this article, we will take a look at what responsive web design is and why it is essential to...
2 min read

Tips to Get More Facebook Likes

Social media has become an essential tool for businesses, and having a strong presence on Facebook is a great way to increase your brand visibility and audience. Developing a strong brand image and...