In the past, businesses were able to put up a website that included some buzzwords, a list of product features and photos and hope people would find it and buy it. In today's world, we now know that...

3 min read

Why You Should Use Product Videos to Improve Conversions

Video marketing is all the rage right now and the statistics around this trend are staggering. If you aren't using or haven’t considered including it in your marketing arsenal, you are missing out on...
3 min read

Mobile-First Indexing is Here – Is Your Website Ready?

As if SEO wasn’t already complicated and time consuming enough, Google has changed the rules of the game once again. Googlebots are crawling your website a little differently now, and it’s important...
4 min read

HEO or SEO? What Is More Important When Creating Content?

By now I'm sure you are familiar with the term SEO (search engine optimization) and understand the importance of following best practices in order to improve your placement on search engine result...
4 min read

Ecommerce SEO Trends We Learned From 2016

Ecommerce has been growing at an exponential rate over the past decade or so. In 2014, in the United States alone, ecommerce sales reached well “past $300 billion — a growth of 310% in just 10...
3 min read

Is It Time to Give Your Website a Check-Up?

Be honest - when was the last time you took an in depth look at your website to see how well it is performing? With every day business to attend to, it’s easy to forget about checking on the...
4 min read

5 Web Traffic Metrics You Should Keep Your Eyes On

Your web presence is a way of showing prospective clients who you are as a brand, how your business operates, and an introduction to the products and services you have to offer. Today’s consumers are...