Domain authority, while it relies on an amalgamation of factors, is all about where you place in search engine rankings compared with your competitors. There was a widely held belief among digital...

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How Important is SEO in 2018?

With Google’s search algorithm changing on a regular basis, it can sometimes be hard to tell how well our SEO efforts are actually working. Many business owners may even be wondering how important...
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What are Retargeting Ads?

For most websites, only 2% of web traffic converts on the first visit. Retargeting is a tool designed to help companies reach the 98% of users who don’t convert right away. (Source:
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Top 5 Google Analytics Reports You Should Be Analyzing

Google Analytics provides users with the ability to measure every aspect of a website, from unique visitors to referral sources, to bounce rates, device types, time on page, click through rates, and...
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Best Analytics Tools 2018

Digital marketing has become the center of our marketing and advertising efforts today, and it isn’t slowing down any time soon. With the number of tools available to help you track and analyze your...
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How To Rank, Local SEO Business Listings

Google doesn’t always make it easy to rank high in the search results, but we’ve got a secret. There’s one area of SEO that you can focus on that will make a huge difference in where your business...
4 min read

How to Measure Website Performance Using KPIs

Like most businesses today, you’ve probably invested a lot of time and money into the development of your website and other online applications. You may have hired a team to design the layout,...