In this global economy, we really don't need to be reminded that we work on the World Wide Web. The need for targeting clients in more than one country, or who speak different languages, has never...

5 min read

Where is Technology Taking Us?

In 1996 the Web was a relatively recent invention, and the Internet itself, while having evolved in a small community of scientists and academics, wasn't well-established, at least not in the mass...
1 min read

How to Plan an Editorial Calendar

Your editorial calendar is one of your best friends when it comes to managing and creating content. As much as anything else, it lays out your plans for the future. You take a look ahead and...
2 min read

What is Programmatic Marketing?

For several years we have been hearing about programmatic marketing (also known as programmatic advertising or programmatic media) as the Next Big Thing in the digital world. With companies like ABC...
3 min read

How is Building a Steam Engine Similar to Building a Website?

What is it like to ask a developer a question? Prepare for a long answer. We recently asked a couple of questions of our Director of Development to help flesh out our website. We expected a simple...
1 min read

CommonPlaces Wins Outstanding Mobile Development Award

The Web Marketing Association has honored CommonPlaces, Inc. with the 2014 MobileWebAward for Outstanding Achievement in Mobile Development. The award went to the team which designed and developed...
2 min read

Should Employers Restrict Personal Device Use at Work?

About 90% of all Americans have cell phones, and as of January 2014, nearly 60% of those are smartphones. These numbers only increase in the professional world, and personal device use doesn't stop...