As we hurtle toward the holiday season, it seems appropriate to look at one of the most misunderstood concerns for the online retailer - PCI compliance. Nominally, this is a set of requirements...

2 min read

Hell, Yes, Barbie Can Be a Computer Engineer!

Poor Susan Marenco. In 2010, Ms. Marenco, now a technical editor in San Francisco, got an assignment to write for the 'I Can Be'_' series of Barbie books published by Mattel and Random House....

7 Marketing Images You Want to Send, but Never Will

What ever happened to the concept of truth in advertising? Is it dead? Did it ever truly exist? After watching a week's worth of marketing Tweets, posts, and shares, I decided that all marketers...
2 min read

Net Neutrality Now

We have been covering the furious debate over net neutrality since the controversy hit the high-speed fan very early in 2014. Shortly after a Federal Court of Appeals determined that the FCC did not...
2 min read

Do Not Gamble With Your Social Media

Few things have caused me to cringe in the past year more than hearing or reading about businesses hiring amateurs to run their social media platforms. I also cast a dubious eye on agencies which...
2 min read

Is it Time to Make Changes?

Any successful company develops a process, over time, which serves them well. In addition to your team, it's your methodology which defines you. Sometimes, though, you have to recognize the value in...
2 min read

What Are Your Website's KPI Warning Signs?

It used to be that the number of 'hits' on your website determined whether your digital marketing program was successful. Yes, we all need traffic and lots of it. That being said, it's the quality...