Did you ever wonder who controls the domain names and the Internet? It's not GoDaddy like most people think. It's actually the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a Los...

2 min read

What Cosmos Can Teach Us about Branding

What do we look for in a brand? What sets one brand apart from another, similar one? These are the questions marketers explore as they seek to define the brand of their clients. Understanding how...
2 min read

How Content Marketers Should Begin Each Day

My workday begins at 8:30 am. I plunk my tea on my desk, start up the laptop, curse Java for insisting on an ever so vital update, and open my email. I probably have skimmed the highlights already,...
2 min read

Conducting an Interview

It has been my experience that, when seeking knowledge about a particular subject for a blog, few research methods are as valuable as the interview. The internet and libraries can give you plenty of...
2 min read

Bounce Rate and Your ROI

Executives always need to reexamine their website with a view to understanding what their return on investment (ROI) has been, and what it can be for both the near future, and long term. They need to...
2 min read

What is Your ROI?

CommonPlaces CEO and President Ben Bassi discusses the importance of determining the ROI on your website, and lowering your bounce rate.