1 min read

Should I Blog?

Should I blog? Yes. Yes. Yes. Here is my list of reasons to start blogging for your business. You've heard all the talk about blogging and its benefits for over a decade, and now you're wondering if...

2 min read

The Five P's of Successful Web Project

Here at CommonPlaces, we follow The Five P's to be successful: People, Plan, Protect, Performance and Promote. We help all of our customers reach their digital goals, and each 'P' represents an...
1 min read

Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019

This has been an exciting year for all of us at CommonPlaces. 2019 has brought growth and change to our team, and we have enjoyed reflecting on all that we have learned and accomplished. This year,...
2 min read

5 Ways to Measure CX Success

It’s no surprise that Customer Experience (CX) is vital to a company’s success. But how can you measure it? How do you know if your customers are having an enjoyable experience on your website and...
2 min read

Five Reasons Why You Need HubSpot Workflows

Do you want to increase customer and prospect engagement on your website? HubSpot workflows are a great way to automate email messages to stay in touch and nurture prospects, customers and partners....
3 min read

The Difference Between Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing

For most businesses, regardless of the industry or the products and services being offered, lead generation is a critical component of a successful sales and marketing strategy. But not every...
2 min read

Top 4 Reasons Why You're Not Generating Qualified B2B Leads

Are you getting a good B2B leads, but none of them seem to be converting? Don't give up. Here are some tried and true methods to get those leads to convert.