CommonPlaces, Inc. is pleased to share the good reviews being enjoyed by one of our team! Marketing Assistant and Copywriter, Gary Locke, has directed a critically acclaimed...

2 min read

The New Twitter API and You

Because you are reading this blog, which often addresses social media issues, there is a strong likelihood that you use Twitter. For many, this 140 characters or bust site is a lifeline to the...
2 min read

What is Link Building? Part 2

After reading What is Link Building? Part 1 you've probably been asking yourself, 'How do I increase my inbound links?' or 'Where would inbound links be valuable?' Well, Part 2 is here to answer...
2 min read

Is Outbound Marketing Dead?

To hear some people tell it, any effort and money spent on traditional marketing methods is wasted. They will say that small businesses need to focus on directing traffic to their websites, since...
2 min read

What is Link Building? Part 1

Everyone wants to attract more visitors to their website. That, after all, is the first goal of inbound marketing. One of the most effective strategies in accomplishing this goal is by establishing...
2 min read

CommonPlaces Develops New Website for AdamCameRA

Hampstead, NH USA '- AdamCamera, which provides affordable camera rental packages to clients across eastern Massachusetts, recently approached CommonPlaces, Inc. to improve its online presence by...
2 min read

The Perils of Content Creation

I write for a living. This, I admit, sounds like a really sweet gig. There is no heavy lifting involved, and the greatest health hazard is from sitting too much. Deadlines and writer's block can make...