Traditional marketing and advertising methods are going the way of the rotary phone. They were heavy and slow, and basically never evolved. After decades of being the only way people communicated,...

1 min read


The events in Boston this week, and what a week it has been, are personal to us here at CommonPlaces. We are located within a thirty minute drive of Boston, and everyone in our office knows the city...
1 min read

5 Tips to Increase Website Traffic

Digital marketing is a soaring enterprise in our web centric world. Companies which increasingly rely on the Internet for their business 's success (and, really, isn 't that everybody?) are rapidly...
2 min read

CommonPlaces Becomes A HubSpot Certified Agency Partner

CommonPlaces is pleased to announce that we have joined the HubSpot inbound marketing team as a Certified Agency Partner. All-in-one marketing software company HubSpot recognizes the value of its...
1 min read

The Multi-Headed Beast: Understanding Web Terminology

How often do you attend meetings which take you further into the universe of web terminology than you care to go, specifically regarding the vocabulary that others are employing? ; Do you find...
1 min read

CommonPlaces announces partnership with HootSuite

CommonPlaces is proud to announce that we are now a HootSuite Pro Solution Partner.
3 min read

Life's Lessons from Historic Blizzard Nemo

As I run to the store and prepare for the Historic Winter Strom Nemo to hit and dump 2 feet of snow on us, I'm brought back to my childhood and the Blizzard of 66'. Back home in Syracuse NY we were...