Twitter’s stock just hit an all time low of $25 (NASDAQ: TWTR). Remember the days when Twitter was all the rage? More and more people are asking me “What am I going to get out of Twitter”? Twitter...

2 min read

How Meerkat and Periscope Could Change the World

Meerkat and Periscope are the latest and hottest apps for the iPhone (Android versions are said to be under development), and they are remarkably similar. Once installed and activated on your phone,...
2 min read

What Don Draper Taught Us About Marketing

One of the great television series of all time is coming to a close, and we will soon see the last of one of the medium's most iconic characters '- Don Draper. As portrayed so convincingly by Jon...
2 min read

Your Website's SEO Today

Wondering what changes your website's SEO might be facing? Don't worry, you're not alone. Insightful experts everywhere are pondering the effects of brand building, niche content, and Semantic SEO....
2 min read

CommonPlaces Develops New EdX Online Portal

EdX is a nonprofit online eLearning initiative offering Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) from the world's best universities, founded by Harvard and MIT. As the number of edX partners grew rapidly,...
3 min read

The Challenges of Building a Multilingual Website

In this global economy, we really don't need to be reminded that we work on the World Wide Web. The need for targeting clients in more than one country, or who speak different languages, has never...
2 min read

What is Your Social Media Legacy?

Shortly after the first of January, an old friend of mine passed away quite suddenly. My Facebook page exploded with the news, the shock, and the hurt. Many of us posted tributes to him; both on our...