Social media, as anyone who follows the news knows, can get you in a world of trouble. During times of crisis or tragedy, an ill phrased Tweet can lead a celebrity to a mountain of misery. But this...

5 min read

Where is Technology Taking Us?

In 1996 the Web was a relatively recent invention, and the Internet itself, while having evolved in a small community of scientists and academics, wasn't well-established, at least not in the mass...
2 min read

Would You Hire Me?

People who put themselves in compromising situations outside the workplace, to the point where you worry about their health, admittedly might not be demonstrating the best judgment. But, is it any of...
1 min read

How to Plan an Editorial Calendar

Your editorial calendar is one of your best friends when it comes to managing and creating content. As much as anything else, it lays out your plans for the future. You take a look ahead and...
1 min read

What is the Social Sales Funnel? An Infographic for Everybody

Many things might have changed over the years, but the one thing that has stayed the same is the sales funnel. At its core, the sales funnel is a simple visualization of the steps required to sell...

Nerf Said

Custom design, expert development, and skilled marketing all add up to Internet-based solutions that you can depend on. Here is the talented CommonPlaces team at work!
3 min read

Our New Year's Resolutions

2014 was a year of amazing growth for CommonPlaces. In January, there was a visit to the White House. We received not one, but two prestigious awards. There was an eye-opening visit to Austin, and...