Project Overview

The goal of the initial project was to build an online presence that would support both their original equipment manufacturers (OEM) (Analogic), and their direct-to-consumer (BK Ultrasound) products while clearly conveying how both brands belonged to one company. 

The idea was to build a modern, responsive web design for Analogic on Drupal’s Content management system (CMS) that would be easy for their website managers to maintain and scale.

Empowering Smarter Surgery
- BK Ultrasound
bk ultrasound custom web development


  • Build an online presence that would support both their OEM, original equipment manufacturers (Analogic) and their direct-to-consumer (BK Ultrasound) products.
  • Wanted branding that was consistent and that also conveyed that both of their brands belonged to one company.
  • Build a modern, responsive web design for Analogic
  • Create a site that not only was beautiful, but be an easy site for their team to maintain.


With a Drupal site, we delivered a user-friendly interface, vast amounts of functionality with access permission for many roles to easily update content. Our skilled web designers applied the Analogic design to the BK Ultrasound website to showcase both companies as one unified brand.

Analogic wanted to leverage our knowledge as a Hubspot Certified Partner in order to transition from Marketo. In addition to migrating all content to Hubspot, we created over 50 templates and provided training so they were able to create content for their customers.


Learn more about our work with BK Ultrasound

BK Ultrasound Wins Best Medical Equipment Website Award