
 At CommonPlaces we will help you develop that digital marketing strategy for your ecosystem by working with you to analyze what might be inhibiting your growth, and come up with a plan to turn that around.

Whether or not we had a hand in building your website or portal, we want to become an integral part of your marketing team.  From the initial conception to the implementation, a long-lasting partnership with us is guaranteed to show a return on your marketing and development investment. 

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Acquia Engage 2023: The AI Revolution Transforms Digital Marketing

I recently attended the Acquia Engage 2023 Conference in Boston, where Acquia outlined transformative strategies for customer experiences that were exciting and groundbreaking. Between new...
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Config Sync Overview

When Drupal 8 was released, it came with Configuration Syncing functionality. This has been a staple ever since for Drupal 9, Drupal 10, and beyond. Configuration Syncing was a game changer and one...
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Ben Bassi Joins the NSBA Leadership Council

Ben Bassi, President of CommonPlaces, Inc. was named to the National Small Business Association (NSBA) Leadership and Technology Councils. NSBA ( is the nation’s oldest...
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Don't Let Your Website Turn Into a Zombie!

We’ve seen it time and time again, your website, lively and engaging when initially launched is placed on the back burner, ignored and neglected, slowly transforming into a zombie. These ‘Zombie...