
This is where it all begins. Putting together a thoughtful and meaningful strategy is the key to producing impactful and effective digital experiences. 

CommonPlaces’ secret sauce is that we actually take the time to understand all aspects of you, your customers, and your industry to make sure the strategy is as personalized and unique as you are.  Whether we are evaluating your entire ecosystem or just specific touchpoints. We wholeheartedly believe in spending the extra time with you planning the phase to ensure all aspects of the approach are thought through and done right, right from the beginning. 

Our strategic consulting services are very flexible, from providing a one-time assessment to becoming an extension of your current team on an ongoing basis.  Partner with us to:

  • Uncover efficiencies
  • Define opportunities
  • Deliver strategic recommendations
  • Align your business goals with your ongoing digital efforts. 
  • Customer Experience Journey Map


    Understanding who your audience is, how they want to interact with you, what their pain points are, and what they love about your brand is vital to creating an engaging customer experience. After a series of in-depth conversations with your various personas, we will put together a roadmap of the various touch points throughout their decision making process (from lead to evangelist). The Customer Experience Journey Map provides a holistic view of your digital ecosystem so you can make strategic decisions regarding your digital efforts, ensuring your company provides impactful customer experience.

    Helpful Resources:
    What is the Customer Experience Journey
    Measuring 'Voice of the Customer' to Create WOW Web Portal Experiences
    Web Development
  • Data Architecture


    Your entire digital ecosystem is made up of various tools and applications that drive your business and customer touchpoints.  An engaging and consistent customer experience stems from a seamless integration of these interactions so that your audience is completely unaware of the underlying technology working behind the scenes.  At CommonPlaces we’ll complete an in-depth analysis of your  organizational needs to determine the best strategy to maximize your technological investments into your digital presence.  

    Helpful Resources:
    Website Planning 
    Website Self Assessment
  • User Experience Design Strategy


    To paraphrase Leonard from the Big Bang Theory “Our solutions will be smart and beautiful’.

    A beautiful web design without any intention or thought behind it, is just a pretty picture.  What really drives conversions and engagement is an intuitive design and layout that focuses on providing a great user experience (UX).  Through a series of in-depth conversations and targeted research, our team will put together a UX Design Strategy, with a detailed Information Architecture and beautiful User Interface, for your website or portal guaranteed to generate results.

    Helpful Resources:
    What Makes for Great User Experience?
    Wireframes are Vital in Website Planning
    Tips for Building a User-Friendly Website
  • Marketing Strategy


    Today’s consumers are more savvy than ever and deciding which efforts will drive the most ROI can be overwhelming. Our goal is to create meaningful, engaging, and impactful marketing efforts that drive long-lasting results. We do this by identifying and defining your target audience, competitive landscape, and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) used to measure success.  From there we provide a strategic digital roadmap for your successful marketing efforts. 

    Helpful Resources:
    Why a Marketing Strategy is Crucial to Website Success
    Why Your Inbound Marketing Strategy Isn't Effective
    Our Digital Marketing Services
  • Content Strategy


    Have you ever been in the middle of telling an interesting story when you notice your audiences’ eye glaze over or seem disinterested?  Just because a story, fact, feature, or service is interesting or beneficial to you, doesn’t mean it will grab (and keep) your target audience’s attention.  We take the time to really get to know your audience, as well as their interests, needs, pain points, and desires to help build a content marketing strategy that serves as a magnet for new business.  Doing so can help bridge the gap between your audience, your services, and your business goals.  

    Helpful Resources:
    How to Develop a Content Strategy for a Website
    Understanding Content Marketing Strategy
    Our Digital Marketing Services

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