What ever happened to the concept of truth in advertising? Is it dead? Did it ever truly exist? After watching a week's worth of marketing Tweets, posts, and shares, I decided that all marketers...

2 min read

Net Neutrality Now

We have been covering the furious debate over net neutrality since the controversy hit the high-speed fan very early in 2014. Shortly after a Federal Court of Appeals determined that the FCC did not...
2 min read

Do Not Gamble With Your Social Media

Few things have caused me to cringe in the past year more than hearing or reading about businesses hiring amateurs to run their social media platforms. I also cast a dubious eye on agencies which...
2 min read

What Are Your Website's KPI Warning Signs?

It used to be that the number of 'hits' on your website determined whether your digital marketing program was successful. Yes, we all need traffic and lots of it. That being said, it's the quality...
2 min read

Are You a Blogging Grammar Nazi?

I can drive myself crazy when I'm out in public. Really, it takes very little effort. If I'm home watching television for a half hour, it's a safe bet that sometime in those thirty minutes I will...
2 min read

How to Cope with Blog Comment Spam

You've all seen spam on a blog post. You've probably also seen spam on some YouTube videos, and Facebook fan pages. We know what it looks like, just as we know that it can be the harbinger of...
2 min read

10 Blogs to Inspire Your Content

Content doesn't just happen. Those of us assigned to create it are always looking for inspiration. Of course, this is true for all creators of media. Imagine the daily cartoonist, on the prowl for...