Seriously? Another social media site? In a word, yes. It is Ello, and it is exploding in popularity. One report cited an astonishing growth of 30K new members an hour at peak times, up from only 90...

3 min read

Martha Stewart and Her Recipe for a Successful Business

Martha Stewart was one of the keynote speakers at HubSpot's Inbound14 this year. I was curious to see how she'd be received by the Millennials and Gen Xers who made up the vast majority of her...
2 min read

Why Digital Marketing Software is So Important

As I was heading out to attend HubSpot's Inbound14 conference, my third in as many years, I wondered, 'What else could they possibly talk about?' When you think about inbound or digital marking, it...
2 min read

What's Next for HubSpot?

In March of 2011, Google Ventures, Salesforce, and Sequoia Capital collectively invested $32M in HubSpot. By partnering with the Cambridge firm, these investments set HubSpot up to become the leader...
3 min read

Will America Adopt the Right to be Forgotten?

Ever since the European Court of Justice ruled that search engines which service the EU must remove links that are deemed ''inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant, or excessive in relation to...
2 min read

5 More Essential Multimedia Tools for Marketers

A few weeks back I offered a quick survey of some of the multimedia tools that I use in my capacity as the content editor and multimedia specialist here at CommonPlaces. Now, let's take a look at a...
2 min read

Why Word of Mouth Marketing Is Still Alive

As the internet increases in size and capability, businesses are given a growing number of tools to manage and promote sales and branding. While it might seem like traditional methods of promotion...