With the wide variety of technology that is available to us, websites have no excuse to have limited accessibility. During the process of web development, ADA compliance is an important factor that...

1 min read

Should I Blog?

Should I blog? Yes. Yes. Yes. Here is my list of reasons to start blogging for your business. You've heard all the talk about blogging and its benefits for over a decade, and now you're wondering if...
2 min read

The Five P's of Successful Web Project

Here at CommonPlaces, we follow The Five P's to be successful: People, Plan, Protect, Performance and Promote. We help all of our customers reach their digital goals, and each 'P' represents an...
1 min read

Our Top 10 Blog Posts of 2019

This has been an exciting year for all of us at CommonPlaces. 2019 has brought growth and change to our team, and we have enjoyed reflecting on all that we have learned and accomplished. This year,...
1 min read

Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018

This is the last blog post of 2018. Over the past 12 months we have written about digital marketing trends, SEO, website vulnerabilities and tips for increasing website security. What are the most...
3 min read

5 Tips for Designing Better Landing Pages

Landing pages are truly one of the most essential components to an effective marketing campaign. Whether you want to generate leads, sell products, or collect data, a well-designed landing page is...
1 min read

5 Key Questions to Ask When Developing Buyer Personas

By now, you probably know that developing buyer personas can be critical to your business success. All layers of marketing are dependent on having a detailed picture of your target audience. For the...